Pierce Chem 101 Lab Manual

Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit is a two-component, high-precision, detergent-compatible protein assay for determination of protein concentration. Pierce BCA reagents provide accurate determination of protein concentration with most sample types encountered in protein research. The Pierce BCA assay can be used to assess yields in whole cell. Chem 9 Experiments. Chem 10 Experiments. Chem 11 Experiments. Chem 12 Experiments. This online lab manual was created by the chemistry faculty at SMC. Other institutions wishing to use our labs may do so provided that SMC is acknowledged and that the labs are not sold for profit.

  1. Pierce Chem 101 Lab Manual Haydenmcneil
  2. Pierce Chem 101 Lab Manual Pdf

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Chemistry 101 Page 5 of 191 Syllabus Activity Report Points Unknown Points Tour of the laboratory, Laboratory Procedures Proper Use of Laboratory Notebook Safety Video ­­ ­­ Experiment #1: The Balance 10 ­­ Periodic Table of the Elements (Video) Check In ­­ ­­. Prerequisite: Satisfactory score on the Chemistry Placement Test (CPT) or a grade of “C” or higher (“C-” does not satisfy the prerequisite) in CHEM 100 taken at CSUN only. Corequisite: CHEM 101. Lab section emphasizes basic lab skills, quantitative relationships in chemistry and inorganic preparative procedures. Full Practice Exam Available Here: Exam Solved with Answers Here:https://drive.goo.

Here you will find material for Experiment 21 - Synthesis of Aspirin. This includes detailed guides for the pre-lab, data sheet, post-lab, and quiz questions. Experiment 10 will have you synthesize two esters of salicylic acid. Remember, the lab may change or be modified from semester to semester!

Experiment 21 is broken up into three main parts - A. Synthesis of Aspirin, B.Synthesis of Methyl Salicylate, and C. Analysis of Aspirin.

A. Synthesis of Aspirin

This part will have you synthesize aspirin from salicylic acid. You will synthesis aspirin with salicylic acid being your limiting reagent. That means the amount of salicylic acid you use will determine how much aspirin you will make. This synthesis will then be used to analyze the purity and percent yield in part C. The synthesis of aspirin may take a significant amount of time since you will need to let it dry in order to get a reasonable yield. It is recommended you complete this part first to give it the most time to dry.

B. Synthesis of Methyl Salicylate

This part will have you synthesize methyl salicylate from salicylic acid. You will then use correct technique to note the odor.

c. analysis of aspirin

This part will have you analyze your synthesis of aspirin from part A. Using one three test tubes, you will mix combine ethanol and Iron(III) chloride to each. You will then add salicylic acid to one and your synthesized from Part A in another test tube. The third test tube will be your control. You will then note your observations.

what you need

Below or a list of items you will need for lab. These items can be bought at the campus bookstore and from UH American Chemical Society (ACS). However, you may find these cheaper on sites like Amazon (links below).


A scientific calculator is needed for calculations on quizzes. Some labs have calculations that need to be turned in before leaving.


Pierce Chem 101 Lab Manual Haydenmcneil

Required eye protection. Must be worn at the start of the experiment and until leaving


A combination lock is required to lock your equipment drawer for the semester.


A lab coat is required and must be worn once lab begins.


Specifically, General Chemistry Laboratories A Freshman Workbook. The lab manual will have all the experiment procedures you will be performing during the semester including their respective datasheet and postlab questions

what to expect

Pierce Chem 101 Lab Manual Pdf

The information provided below are things you will need to know and understand to complete this experiment successfully. We have also included parts of the lab that may give you difficulties, potential bottlenecks and workarounds so you can finish the experiment efficiently. Remember, the information given by TA should have the highest importance and supersedes all information provided on this page.


This experiment can be completed relatively quickly. The only potential bottleneck will be Part A (synthesizing aspirin). This is because significant amount of time is required for the sample to dry and yield reasonable results.

Split Tasks

Part B. (synthesis of methyl salicylate) can be done quickly by having one lab member complete the procedure while others complete part A. The odor of the sample can then be noted by all lab members. Part C is dependent on how fast you can complete part A since it requires the sample yielded to analyze.


Pay attention to the synthesis reactions in this experiment. These will be needed to determine the expected number of moles of aspirin (1:1) which will be used in your percent yield calculations. The synthesis reactions may also appear on your quizzes.

Pierce chem 101 lab manual

converting to moles

Understanding how to convert to moles will be essential. For this experiment, you will synthesize aspirin from salicylic acid. The amount of salicylic acid used will be the limiting reagent and dictate how much aspirin will be synthesized. Using the recorded amount of salicyclic acid used, you can find the expected amount of aspirin. This expected value will be compared to the amount obtain from your experiment to calculate percent yield.

Number of moles = mass of substance ÷ molar mass of substance

calculating percent yield

This lab will require you to calculate the percent yield of the aspirin synthesis. Percent yield is calculated by dividing your actual yield (mass of aspirin you made) with the expected or theoretical yield (mass you calculated) multiplied by 100.

Pierce Chem 101 Lab Manual

Percent Yield = (Actual Yield ÷ Theoretical Yield) x 100

A percent yield that is less than 100 means that you made less than what you were supposed to get. This could be a number of reasons such as loss of substance during transfer.

A percent yield that is more than 100 means that you have more than what you were supposed to get. This could be a number of reasons such as impurities or that the sample was not completely dry.


Pay attention to these following. They may show up on your quiz.

  • Salicylic acid can irritate skin

  • Acetic anhydride can irritate eyes

  • Concentrated sulfric acid will be use and can cause burns.

  • Do NOT ingest your aspirin sample.