Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town


Meet the Tools
Upgrading the Tools
Getting the Cursed Tools
Getting the Blessed Tools
Getting the Mythic Tools

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town would see the series make the jump to the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. Being able to play a game of this stature on the go is pretty awesome and despite being on a handheld system, it manages to offer a full Harvest Moon experience. How to Make Cookies in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. Dessert making in a console game like Harvest Moon? It not only sounds intriguing, but it gives a good amount of stamina. It gives +15 stamina and -5 fatigue. Harvest Festival (Fall 9th) 10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Rose Plaza The players of the original Harvest Moon will remember this classic holiday. Mayor Thomas will visit you on the 8th and remind you of the event. He recommends you bring something to add in.

Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town is a charming and fun single player sim game for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. Gameplay consists primarily of attempting to make money by raising crops, taking care of animals and other outdoor activities such as fishing and mining.

There are a total of 6 tools you get in the game, but you only start out with 5. The Fishing Rod needs to be obtained from Zack. You start out with Level 1 tools, which really suck. So, you'll need to upgrade your tools to make them more efficient. There are 7 Levels of tools, each one better than the other. Check out the Upgrading the Tools section on this page to find out how to obtain those levels, but this section will introduce you to the tools and tell you the productivity of each level.

The sickle is used to cut down various things. You could clear your field by slashing the bushes or if you don't want a specific crop to grow anymore, just cut down the stalk. Be careful when using it around your animals, you'll lower their love for you if you hit them.

Normal Sickle
Cuts a 1x1 area.
Copper Sickle
Cuts a 1x3 area.
Silver Sickle
Cuts a 2x3 area.
Gold Sickle
Cuts a 3x3 area.
Mystril Sickle
Cuts a 5x5 area.
6 /Cursed/Blessed Sickle
Cuts a 9x9 area.
Mythic Sickle
Cuts a 15x15 area.

The hoe is used for two primary reasons. The first one is to cultivate land, meaning you prepare the land so you could distribute seeds. So, don't just throw your seeds on your field without hoeing (Ahaha... 'hoeing') your land. If you accidentally placed down the wrong seeds, use the hoe to re-prepare the land and throw the correct seeds on it. The second reason is to dig when you are in the mines. By simply using the hoe on the dirt inside the mines, you could find valuable ores or gemstones. Be careful when using it around your animals, you'll lower their love for you if you hit them.

Normal Hoe
Prepares 1x1 plots of land.
Copper Hoe
Prepares 2x1 plots of land.
Silver Hoe
Prepares 3x1 plots of land.
Gold Hoe
Prepares 4x1 plots of land.
Mystril Hoe
Prepares 6x1 plots of land.
6 /Cursed/Blessed Hoe
Prepares 12x3 plots of land.
Mythic Hoe
Prepares 18x5 plots of land.

Watering Can
After you have placed down the seeds for seasonal crops, you'll have to water them in order for them to grow. And there's where the watering can comes into play. You'll need to fill up the can with water, do so by using the little pond on your farm. Water your plants everyday in order for them to grow on time.

Normal Watering Can
Waters a 1x1 area.
Copper Watering Can
Waters a 1x3 area.
Silver Watering Can
Waters a 2x3 area.
Gold Watering Can
Waters a 3x3 area.
Mystril Watering Can
Waters a 3x5 area.
6 /Cursed/Blessed Watering Can
Waters a 6x13 area.
Mythic Watering Can
Waters a 12x21 area.

You'll find a whole load of small and large rocks populating your field. If you want, you could smash the small rocks immediately. But I recommend picking them up and saving those to build fences later on. The large rocks cannot be picked up, so you'll need to level up your hammer to get rid of those. There might also be a boulder (it looks like a few small rocks fused together) on your field as well, which will require at least a Silver Hammer. And there's only one large boulder in the game located near the lake and you'll need at least cursed/blessed hammer for that. Be careful when using it around your animals, you'll lower their love for you if you hit them.

Normal Hammer
Can only break small rocks.
Copper HammerBreak large rocks in 3 hits.
Silver HammerCan break boulder in 6 hits.
Gold HammerCan break boulder in 3 hits.
Mystril HammerCan break boulder in 2 hits.
6 /Cursed/Blessed HammerCan break large boulder in 1 hit.
Mythic HammerBreaks every rock and boulder onscreen.

There's only one reason to use the axe, but it's an important one. You get lumber pieces by chopping logs and stumps. Lumber is needed to extend buildings on your farm or you could use individual pieces to build a fence. You could check out the amount by pressing SELECT. Be careful when using it around your animals, you'll lower their love for you if you hit them.

Normal Axe
Can only chop logs.
Copper AxeChops stumps in 6 hits.
Silver AxeChops stumps in 3 hits.
Gold AxeChops stumps in 2 hits.
Mystril AxeChops stumps in 1 hit.
6 /Cursed/Blessed AxeChops all logs and stumps onscreen.
Mythic AxeEnergy use is decreased by 50%.

Fishing Rod
When you look in your Tool Box at the beginning of the game, you won't see the Fishing Rod. It's the only tool that you'll need to acquire on your own. By visiting Zack's place on Mineral Beach a couple of times, he'll eventually give it to you ONLY IF you have an empty slot for tools. The Fishing Rod is not essential to the game, it really only gives you extra cash by peddling fish. You'll also need fish to cook some recipes, too. Other than those, the other reason for the Fishing Rod is that you'll need to catch every single fish in order to marry the Harvest Goddess.

Normal Fishing Rod
Pull in small fishes.
Copper Fishing RodPull in small and medium fishes.
Silver Fishing RodPull in medium fishes.
Gold Fishing RodPull in medium and large fishes.
Mystril Fishing RodPull in large fishes and the Power Berry during winter.
6 /
Cursed/Blessed Fishing RodPull in large fishes, King Fishes, Fossil, and Pirate Treasure.
Mythic Fishing RodChances of pulling in Fossil and Pirate Treasure increases.

Levels 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 tools need to be upgraded. Only Level 6 tools must be dug up. Upgrading refers to fusing your tool with a certain ore. But, you can't just dig up an ore and expect to upgrade immediately. You'll need to 'Level Up' each tool before they are ready for a certain level. Every time you use a tool, even if you're just fooling around, that tool gains experience. You could check out the experience meter by pressing SELECT and pressing LEFT. There will be a screen with all of your current tools. Look at this picture:

Story Of Seasons Mineral Town Wiki

Notice the empty bar. That means you haven't used your tool AT ALL yet. When you begin to build up experience, the bar will fill up and look like this:

Once it reaches 100%, a small ore will appear beneath the bar indicating you could upgrade to that level. This picture is indicating that you could upgrade your Hoe to Level 2 (Copper).

Now, you could either a) upgrade to Level 2 or b) continue leveling up your tool and skipping Level 2. Yes, you do not have to go through all the upgrades. You could keep on using that one tool from the beginning until it can become a Level 5 tool. The pro of this method is that you don't have to go dig up every single ore or pay for each level. The con of this method is that the lower the level of the tool, the less experience you gain and you'll have to wait one day for each level you are skipping. So if you jump from Level 1 to Level 5, you won't see your tool for 5 days. I recommend upgrading it only at certain levels, so you save money and don't have to wait forever to gain experience.
When you have upgraded a tool to Level 5, you'll see this:

Here is the rundown of the levels that Saibara can upgrade and what is needed for each:

Upgrade Name
Copper Tool

Silver Tool

Gold Tool

Mystril Tool

Cursed/Blessed Tool

Mythic Tool


run to the cave next to the spring and start using the tool, once you turn blue, go to the spa and relax, when you regain your energy, go to the cave again, and use the tool, keep repeating until you're tools are leveled up.

To get that Level 7 upgrade I mentioned earlier, you'll need the Level 6 Tools (which have two variations: Cursed and Blessed).

Don't even think about getting the Level 6 Cursed Tools without having obtained all the Level 5 tools. If you do have all the Mystril Tools, the Cursed Tools will begin to appear in the Lake Mine (so that means you'll have to wait for winter... unless you find another way around. *hint*). All you have to do is go to different levels, and dig until they appear. Make sure you have empty tool slots or they won't show up. The Fishing Rod can be found on Level 29, the Hoe on Level 39, the Axe on Level 49, the Hammer on Level 59, the Watering Can on Level 69, and the Sickle on Level 79. Without a doubt, these are EXTREMELY better than Mystril Tools. However, there's a downside to balance everything out. I mean, the Cursed Tools are called 'The Cursed Tools' for a reason. Each one uses up huge portions of energy. It'll take only a few uses to exhaust your character. There are two things you could do now: 1) deal with it, or 2) get the Blessed Tools.

Getting the Blessed Tools

Cursed Tools are much more superior to your Mystril Tools, but they use way too much energy. In order to get rid of the huge energy usage, you'll need to transform each tool into their Blessed counterparts. To uncurse the Axe and Fishing rod, use each 255 times. (Easy Tip: equip the tool you want to uncurse at a festival or during an event and use it 255 times, you won't lose your energy this way.) To uncurse the Sickle and Hammer, have them equipped on you for 10 days straight. And to uncurse the Hoe and Watering Can, have Carter bless them 10 times each during a confessional (it'll cost 1000G for each time Cater blesses a tool). Afterwards, they'll magically become Blessed Tools. These are more than enough to suit you for the game, but there is one last level of the tools.

Once you have gotten ALL the Blessed Tools, the rare Mythic Stone (it sells for 20,000G!!!) will begin to appear on Floor 60 of the Spring Mine. Once you have one or a few in your possession, run on over to Saibara's Blacksmith to get the final upgrade to your tools. However, he'll charge 50,000G per final upgrade. So, in order to not burn a hole in your pocket, I recommend digging up some extra Mythic Stones to sell on the side. After all of your tools have become Mythic, you have obtained the most powerful tools in the game. :D


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New Year's Festival (Spring 1st)
6 PM to 11:59 PM @ Rose Plaza
There's not much to do here, but chat it up with the attendants of the festival. Once you're ready to begin, talk to Mayor Thomas. You'll begin making mochi (you don't actually see it) and afterwards the festival will be over. Mayor Thomas will then give you all the rice cakes you could carry, so make sure you have some extra room for them.
Spring Thanksgiving (Spring 14th)
All day
There'll be no activating event or place you need to go for this holiday. Today, you will bake cookies for all the girls in town and hand them out. Despite who it is, all of the 5 girls (the Goddess don't like cookies) will love the present and your Heart Level with them will raise.
Spring Horse Race (Spring 18th)
10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Rose Plaza
The day before, Mayor Thomas will come by your ranch and ask if you wish to enter your horse in the races. You may only do so if your horse will full grown, if not he'll just leave after acknowledging that. At the Horse Races, you can bet on the races by talking to Mayor Thomas. I don't recommend betting on the horse with the highest medal reward, because that means it has the lowest chances of winning. Go with the horse with the lowest medal reward, and you're almost sure to win. With the medals, you can trade them in for prizes. Don't worry if you have medal left over, they'll be carried over to the next horse race.
Once you are able to enter your horse into the races, MAKE SURE you have a high Heart Level with it. If you have 7 or 8 hearts, you'll find it really easy to win. Bet as much as you possibly can on yourself, and you'll rack in thousands of medals. Be sure to buy the Power Berry for 900 and Jewel of Truth for 1000. You can make a TON of money by purchasing Broaches. Each one sells for 2000 G, so empty out your backpack and bring a basket along with you. You could make more than 60,000 G each Horse Festival. :D
Cooking Contest (Spring 22nd)
10 AM to 11:59 AM @ Rose Plaza
Once you arrive to the Plaza, the Gourmet will give out the cooking category for the year. Once he does, you are able to return home and whip up a meal of that category. For the first 5 years, the categories are set, and the years after that will be randomly chosen from the 5 (juices, sweets, bread, noodles, and rice). You must return before 6 PM with your dish.Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town
Beach Day (Summer 1st)
10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Mineral Beach
On your first year of the farm, you won't be able to compete in the Frisbee Contest because only full-grown dogs can enter. The second year, you will be able to enter your dog if you have bought a Frisbee from Won. The day before, Zack will come by in the morning and ask if you want to participate. You have two attempts to win, so if your dog misses on an attempt and you lose, reset and try again. Do not expect to win if you haven't trained your dog at all. You'll need to play Frisbee with your dog for a month or two before he is capable of winning. If you do win the contest, you will receive a Power Berry.
For more info on the Frisbee game, refer to the Animal section.
Chicken Festival (Summer 7th)
10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Rose Plaza
This is my favorite festival of the entire game. The day before, Rick will come by and ask which chicken you wish to enter into the festival (if you have a chicken). Choose the one with the highest heart level, but is not already a champion (or else it'll be a waste). Don't worry, I've won many times with a chicken with only 1 heart. The next day, you're chicken will have to compete in a Sumo match with 3 other chickens. The whole point of the game is to scare the other chicken out of the ring. To do so, you'll have to cheer on your chicken by pressing A when IT'S FACING THE OPPONENT. DO NOT press A when it's facing nothing or else you'll make it walk out by itself. If your chicken if facing the other and you're pressing A, the other chicken will jump in fear and begin to run. Continue doing so until the other chicken is out. Your chicken will turn in different directions once the other chicken has stopped running, so don't keep on smashing on A for the entire round. Look for the right time. Also, if your chicken is running away, stop pressing A until your chicken has stopped. Then wait for it to face its opponent, and then continue the same tactic.
Like I mentioned before, I won with chickens with only 1 heart. The first two rounds are easy, but the last one is kind of difficult. Reset your game from the day before and try again, you're sure to win after a few tries. And you'll easily win with a chicken with a high heart level. Champions can lay golden eggs when they have a heart level of 10.
Remember, your chicken is returned to your barn after 6 PM. So feed it before going to sleep.
Cow Festival (Summer 20th)
10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Rose Plaza
On the 19th, Barley will come by and ask if you want to register an adult cow that is not pregnant. Choose the one with the highest heart level, for you have no influence in the actual judging. Go to Rose Plaza the next day and begin the contest by talking to Barley. If your cow wins (which it probably won't the first year around) you'll see a scene in which Barley is declaring it the winner. You'll only win if your cow has a heart level of 8 or higher. Champions are able to produce Gold Milk.
Remember, your cow is returned to your barn after 6 PM. So feed it before going to sleep.
Fireworks Celebration (Summer 24th)
6 PM to 8:59 PM @ Mineral Beach
When you come to the beach, villagers will be scattered around. Talk to everyone and then the fireworks will begin. However, you could take the chance to bring your basket and fishing rod, and filling it up. The girl with the highest heart level (with a minimum of a Green heart) or your wife will be waiting for you on the docks. You'll watch the fireworks with her and wake up the next morning in your house.
Music Festival (Fall 3rd)
6 PM to 11:59 PM @ The Church
Pastor Carter will come by the day before and ask if you want to play in the festival. If you accept, go to the church the next day. By talking to Carter while inside, a scene will begin where you are playing the ocarina with some of the other girls in town. You'll wake up the next morning in your house. What a useless festival…
Memorial Day (Fall 5th)
6 AM to 4:59 PM @ Mother Hill
This is not really a holiday, but it is a yearly event. If you go the Inn in the morning, Ann will tell you this is the anniversary of her mother's death and her father, Doug, take the day off every year to visit Mother Hill. If you go there, you'll find Doug staring out at the sky.
Harvest Festival (Fall 9th)
10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Rose Plaza
The players of the original Harvest Moon will remember this classic holiday. Mayor Thomas will visit you on the 8th and remind you of the event. He recommends you bring something to add in the soup they make to celebrate the festival. Bring anything you want, but I love to bring a Poison Mushroom. Everyone will end up sick (including you) and Karen's mother blames it on her.
Full Moon Festival (Fall 13th)
6 PM to 11:59 PM @ Mother Hill
The girl with the highest heart level (with a minimum of a Green heart) will be waiting for you at the summit. Speak to her and you two will watch the moon together. And it doesn't necessarily mean you will watch the moon with your wife. You'll wake up the next morning in your house.
Fall Horse Race (Fall 18th)
10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Rose Plaza
The day before, Mayor Thomas will come by your ranch and ask if you wish to enter your horse in the races. You may only do so if your horse will full grown, if not he'll just leave after acknowledging that. At the Horse Races, you can bet on the races by talking to Mayor Thomas. I don't recommend betting on the horse with the highest medal reward, because that means it has the lowest chances of winning. Go with the horse with the lowest medal reward, and you're almost sure to win. With the medals, you can trade them in for prizes. Don't worry if you have medal left over, they'll be carried over to the next horse race.
Once you are able to enter your horse into the races, MAKE SURE you have a high Heart Level with it. If you have 7 or 8 hearts, you'll find it really easy to win. Bet as much as you possibly can on yourself, and you'll rack in thousands of medals. Be sure to buy the Power Berry for 900 and Jewel of Truth for 1000. You can make a TON of money by purchasing Broaches. Each one sells for 2000 G, so empty out your backpack and bring a basket along with you. You could make more than 60,000 G each Horse Festival. :D
Sheep Festival (Fall 21st)
10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Rose Plaza
On the 19th, Barley will come by and ask if you want to register an adult sheep that is not shaved. Choose the one with the highest heart level, for you have no influence in the actual judging. Go to Rose Plaza the next day and begin the contest by talking to Barley. If your sheep wins (which it probably won't the first year around) you'll see a scene in which Barley is declaring it the winner. You'll only win if your sheep has a heart level of 8 or higher. Champions are able to produce Gold Wool.
Remember, your sheep is returned to your barn after 6 PM. So feed it before going to sleep.
Halloween (Fall 30th)
6 AM, 8 AM, and 10 AM @ Your House
On this day, you'll be visited by all the kids of the village (plus Popuri). They come to your house at three different times and ask for a treat. It is Halloween after all, so they'll only like candy (you could buy chocolate from Jeff's Grocery Store for 100G each). I find it funny to give them an apple and watch their reactions. May comes by at 6 AM, Stu comes by at 8 AM, and Popuri comes by at 10 AM (unless she's married). They all leave if you make them wait for an hour.
Mayor Thomas' Plea (Winter 2nd)
Whenever You Leave @ Your House
If you're friends with Mayor Thomas, he'll visit you when you leave your house in the morning if the weather is good. He'll ask for an item because he made some stupid bet with some other mayor. If you are able to get his requested item by 7 PM that night, he'll thank you and gives you… Golden Lumber. If you are unable to get him the item, reset the game until he asks for an obtainable item.
For more info on the Golden Lumber, refer to the Items section.
Valentine's Day (Winter 14th)
Different Times @ Your House
All the girls (if any) with a heart level of Purple or higher will come by your house and give you a gift. To unwrap the gift, place it in your fridge. The gifts are different, but always some sort of chocolate. If you're heart level is high with a certain girl, she'll give you Chocolate Cake which you can use to win in the Cooking Contest. Here's the times each girl will visit you: Popuri @ 6AM, Ann @ 8AM, Elli @ 10AM, Karen @ 12PM, and Mary @ 2PM.
Starry Night Festival (Winter 24th)
6 PM to 11:59 PM @ Chosen Girl's House
On the 23rd, talk to a girl with a heart level of Green or higher and accept her offer to come over for dinner the next night. Go to her house the next night and you'll enjoy dinner with her and her family. If you're married, you'll have lunch with her at noon at your house. You'll wake up the next morning in your house. If you're not invited to anyone's house, you could spend the festival with your dog.
Stocking Festival (Winter 25th)
9 PM to 11:59 PM @ Your House
You need a stocking in order to activate this event. The only way you could get one is from Ellen (Elli's grandmother). When you are good friends with her, give her any size of yarn and she'll tell you that she will knit a sock for you. I recommand giving her flour to build up your friendship. You'll have to give her the yarn before the 25th, and you'll recieve the sock.
Once you get a sock, go to sleep after 9 PM and Mayor Thomas will come by and place a gift in your stocking.
MineralNew Year's Eve (Winter 30th)
There are two events you can go to for this holiday. Sorry, you can only go to one.
Scenario A:
6 PM to 11:59 PM @ Rose Plaza
Nothing much to do here, but talk to the villagers and then the mayor. You'll all enjoy some Buckwheat Noodles, and then Mayor Thomas will fill up your knapsack with all the noodles you can carry. You'll wake up the next morning in your house.
Scenario B:
Midnight to 5:59 AM @ Mother Hill
The villagers who aren't at Rose Plaza are at the summit of the mountain. After you talk to everyone, talk to Doug to watch the first sunrise of the New Year.

Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Wiki
