Hack Router Port 53 Tcp

  1. Hack Router Port 53 Tcp Login
  2. Hack Router Port 53 Tcp Code
  3. Hack Router Port 53 Tcp Number
  4. Hack Port 53
  5. Hack Router Port 53 Tcp Ip

Well both of the hacking has the same process. Let’s summarize what we must do. Confirm the website or a computer you want to hack. Find or trace their IP address. Make sure that IP address is online Scan for open ports Check for vulnerable ports ( enumerate the services running on ports and try. Me bei impatient, I wanted to check if my Kali Linux was actually doing anything to ADSL router hack. I used following command in a separate Terminal to monitor what my PC was doing it was doing a lot tcpdump -ni eth0 That’s a lot of connected hosts with TCP Port 80 open. Some got ‘tcpwrapped’ marked on them. DNS has always been designed to use both UDP and TCP port 53 from the start 1, with UDP being the default, and fall back to using TCP when it is unable to communicate on UDP, typically when the packet size is too large to push through in a single UDP packet. When Does DNS Switch to TCP? The Shodan search engine shows that 41 million devices have port 7547 open, and 5 million devices expose TR-064s services to outside influences. Indeed, these attacks started after certain researchers published computer code that exploits the TR-064 service. It’s included as a Metasploit module. The code opens up port 80, which is the port that enables web browsing. Many routers allow port 53 (UDP and TCP) on the WAN port the router to be portmapped to port 53 (UDP and TCP) on the inside of the router itself, exposing the DNS on the router to the outside world. The DNS servers on most routers seem to be pure forwarders though, with no caching. Uploading new firmware.

Posted by Hacking-Tutorial.com in Hacking Tutorial | 67 comments

In this tutorial 'How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers', we are going to show you how to use port scanner to identify home routers (and even office routers :p) and after that we will try to log in to those routers.

In the world most of users doesn't change there router's default password because most of them only know how to use without know how to configure the router itself. So that's the point. We can use that vulnerability to hack the routers.


  • Port Scanner (I use zenmap in this tutorial)
  • Web Browser (I use Google Chrome)
  • Internet Connection

First of all I want to tell you why I use Zenmap because Nmap is the best friend of hackers and Zenmap is the graphical user interface of nmap.

Step by Step How to Randomly Hack a Home Routers

1. We should select an IP range. I have selected IP range that includes my public IP address.


2. Now let's scan for home routers.

When you finished your scan, You can find IP addresses which has open ports such as http port(80), ftp port(21) and telnet port(23).

I have found many IP addesses with port 80 is opened.

So I stopped my scan.

3. Now you can access these addesses using your web browser because http port is opened and we need to find whether the web page is router log in page.

4. If you see the alert error messages, it says TD-8817. So we can Google for it

search 'TD-8817 default username and password'

5. Now let's try to access these IP addresses using default logins we just got on step 4.

Default username and passwords are not same for every routers.

With username : admin and password : admin, we can log in to the router administration page

Attacker can do several harmful things when they can access router page, such as:

  • Redirecting DNS to malicious websites
  • Phishing Attacks
  • etc



Because most of users doesn't change their router passwords. It's a very bad habit because hackers can access your router form anyplace through internet when you are online and It is very harmful to you. So you must change your home router's password. Keep it on you mind.

Hope you found it useful 🙂

TcpHack router port 53 tcp code

Written By : Harshana Srimal Nandasena

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Asynchronous digital subscriber line (DSL or ADSL) modem is a device used to connect a computer or router to a telephone line which provides the digital subscriber line service for connectivity to the Internet, which is often called DSL or ADSL broadband. In this guide I will show you show you how to scan IP range for connected ADSL or DSL modem routers and find DSL ADSL router hack remotely. This guide applies to Windows, Linux or Mac, so it doesn’t matter what’s your Operating system is, you can try the same steps from all these operating systems. The term DSL or ADSL modem is technically used to describe a modem which connects to a single computer, through a USB port or is installed in a computer PCI slot. The more common DSL or ADSL router which combines the function of a DSL or ADSL modem and a home router, is a standalone device which can be connected to multiple computers through multiple Ethernet ports or an integral wireless access point. Also called a residential gateway, a DSL or ADSL router usually manages the connection and sharing of the DSL or ADSL service in a home or small office network.

Put this together with Wireshark hacking for http websites, you got a nightmare for the user behind that router as all their passwords and details can be tracked very easily.

Hack Router Port 53 Tcp Login

Installing NMAP

I use Kali Linux which comes with NMAP Preinstalled. If you are using Windows or Mac (or any other flavour of Linux) go to the following website to download and install NMAP.

Linux Installation:

For Ubuntu, Debian or aptitude based system NMAP is usually made available via default repository. Install NMAP using the following command:

For YUM Based systems such as Redhat, CentOS, install via

For PACMAN based systems such as Arch Linux, install via

Windows Installation:

For Windows Computers, download installer and run the executable. Link: http://nmap.org/dist/nmap-6.46-setup.exe

Mac Installation:

How to hack a minecraft server console. For Mac users, download installer and install Link: http://nmap.org/dist/nmap-6.46.dmg

Official NMAP site

You can read more about NMAP here: http://nmap.org/

Search for Vulnerable Routers

Now that we have NMAP sorted, we are going to run the following command to scan for ADSL Modem Routers based on their Banner on Port 80 to start our ADSL router hack. All you need is to pick an IP range. I’ve used an example below using range.

Search from Linux using command Line

In Linux run the following command:

In Windows or Mac open NMAP and copy paste this line:

Once it finds the results, search for the word ‘open’ to narrow down results. A typical Linux NMAP command would return outputs line below: (and of course I’ve changed the IP details)

This was taking a long time (we are after all try to scan 256 hosts using the command above). Me being just impatient, I wanted to check if my Kali Linux was actually doing anything to ADSL router hack. I used the following command in a separate Terminal to monitor what my PC was doing… it was doing a lot …

That’s a lot of connected hosts with TCP Port 80 open. Some got ‘tcpwrapped’ marked on them. It means they are possibly not accessible.

Search from Windows, Mac or Linux using GUI – NMAP or Zenmap

Assuming you got NMAP installation sorted, you can now open NMAP (In Kali Linux or similar Linux distro, you can use Zenmap which is GUI version of NAMP cross platform). Copy paste the following line in Command field

another version of this command is using different representation of Subnet MASK.

Press SCAN Button and wait few minutes till the scan is over.

Hack Router Port 53 Tcp Code

Once you have some results, then you need to find the open devices with open ports. In search Result page:

  1. Click on Services Button
  2. Click on http Service
  3. Click on Ports/Hosts TAB (Twice to sort them by status)

As you can see, I’ve found a few devices with open http port 80.

Hack Router Port 53 Tcp Number

It is quite amazing how many devices got ports open facing outer DMZ.

Access Management Webpage

Pick one at a time. For example try this:

You get the idea. If it opens a webpage asking for username and password, try one of the following combinations:

If you can find the Router’s model number and make, you can find exact username and password from this webpage:http://portforward.com/default_username_password/ Before we finish up, I am sure you were already impatient like me as a lot of the routers had ‘tcpwrapped’ on them which was actually stopping us from accessing the web management interface to ADSL router hack. Following command will exclude those devices from our search. I’ve also expanded my search to a broader range using a slightly different Subnet MASK.

Hack Port 53

In this command I am using /22 Subnet Mask with 2 specific outputs: I am looking for the work ‘open’ and excluding ‘tcpwrapped’ on my output. As you can see, I still get a lot of outputs.

Hack Router Port 53 Tcp Ip


You’ll be surprised how many have default username and passwords enabled. Once you get your access to the router, you can do a lot more, like DNS hijacking, steal username and passwords (for example: Social Media username passwords (FaceBook, Twitter, WebMail etc.)) using tcpdump/snoop on router’s interface and many more using ADSL router hack … who didn’t change their routers default password, let them know of the risks.

But I am not here to judge whether it should be done or not, but this is definitely a way to gain access to a router. So hacking is not always bad, it sometime is required when you loose access or a system just wouldn’t respond. As a pentester, you should raise awareness. Share this guide as anyone who uses a Linux, Windows, Mac can use this guide to test their own network and fix ADSL router hack issue.
