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User Code, can be changed by the following sequence: C- # - (User No.) Posted on April 1, 2014 by Electrician. The controller does not respond to my key. 4-Press the # key. What do I do if I lose my PIN code for the ESLAudit lock? AMSEC: All AMSEC ESL10 combinations must contain six digits. How much will it cost to have a locksmith come to my house in order to get the combo or code for my safe? What is wrong? How do I dial the combination on my Amsec or Star round lift-out door. American Security Products Co. 11925 Pacific Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Main: 951.685.9680 | Fax: 951.685.9685 My keypad is only responding to “C” or “C” and 1 number. To open the safe, you hit clear (C) and I have the existing combination as one, two. This set of numbers is merely a way of wiping the slate clean for you to set a new code to your safe. Now press the keys of the combination one at a time and finish with the “#” key. First turn the dial anti-clockwise for four full revolutions and then land on the first number in the safe combination at exactly 12 o’clock position. We hope to answer some of those questions. American Security Products Co. 11925 Pacific Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Main: 951.685.9680 | Fax: 951.685.9685 as a locksmith i have had my fair share of callouts to these type of safes and if its old or tired or flat batteries then its a method i use all the time and has worked every time, if its a forgotton code then i use the bypass method to re set the code. We receive a lot of questions that people are having issues with these locks. I need to know how to how to get into an Amsec digital safe model IRC916E. American Security Products Co. 11925 Pacific Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Main: 951.685.9680 | Fax: 951.685.9685 - # - (Old User Code) - # - (New User Code) - # - (New User Code) - # 4.3 In the event Function 60 is Disabled (F60=0) or you are adding a new User, then the combo change must be authorized with the Master User's code: Change the code on an AMSEC Electronic lock. Changing the combination is fairly easy follow the instructions completely do not skip any steps. If you have purchased a safe from Liberty Safe equipped with a SecuRam electronic lock, you have likely gone through the code changing procedure when your safe first arrived. Key in the factory preset combination. User Code, can be changed by the following sequence: C- # - (User No.) The lock will remain in the unlocked cycle for three seconds. I have an Amsec ES913 safe. American Security ESL 10 Safe combination Lock Change. Your AMSEC ESL10 Electronic Safe Lock has a Factory Combination of. their is no alternative of key opening . Everything worked great until around August of 2010. For this safe, you can insert the change key in the back of the safe and then you have to input the reset combination. Press the “C” key. as the safe is of our fore fathers i dont want to open it forcefully . can somebody suggest how to open it. 2-Press the Green set up button (Located on the back cover or the hinge side of the back door cover), the LCD display will turn Blue. American Security Products Co. 11925 Pacific Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Main: 951.685.9680 | Fax: 951.685.9685. If the combination keyed is Instructions on how to Change Intellok safe locks Code & BatteryPlease Subscribe! 3. Opening Your ESL5/ESL5LP Lock for the First Time 1. 3-Enter your new user code (1-8 digits). If the combination keyed is How do I change the user code on my ESL 5 electronic lock? I entered my PIN Only code and received an error message: “Please Enter Valid PIN”, I entered my PIN Only code and received the following error message: LOGIN FAILED. If you forgot your safe combination, the use of a change key or a mechanical key override can be quick solutions. Changing the combination is fairly easy follow the instructions completely do not skip any steps. My screen is frozen and I cannot enter my code. Press the 'Change' button one time. 1-Open the safe by following step 1. Type the code then press# to open and close. How to Reset an Amsec Push Button Safe Combination Step 1. as a locksmith i have had my fair share of callouts to these type of safes and if its old or tired or flat batteries then its a method i use all the time and has worked every time, if its a forgotton code then i use the bypass method to re set the code. Amsec safe reset code. What do I do? Now press the keys of the combination one at a time and finish with the “#” key. Troubleshooting an AMSEC ESL5 and ESL10 Safe Lock - YouTube 2. American Security Products Co. 11925 Pacific Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Main: 951.685.9680 | Fax: 951.685.9685 View AMSEC ESL10 Ekectronic Lock Instructions Download AMSEC ESL10 Ekectronic Lock Instructions How to open the Amsec ESL-5 & ESL-10 Electronic Locks Hi my name's John Dean with Dean Safe Company and I want to introduce you to this electronic lock. How to Change Combination on American Security AmSec ESL 10 - 20 Safe Lock. Download 11 AMSEC Safes PDF manuals. American Security Products Co. 11925 Pacific Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Main: 951.685.9680 | Fax: 951.685.9685 ©2021 American Security Products Co. All Rights Reserved. How to Open an AMSEC Combination Safe The method for opening an AMSEC combination safe is dependent on the type of. When the batteries have gotten weak I open it with the key and replace them. Re: AMSEC safe - electronic lock won't open « Reply #18 on: October 19, 2015, 10:50:18 AM » Other then checking to see if that CB900F guy is still on THR and/or GRM and picking his brain (I saw what I did there), the only other options seem to be call Amsec's customer service and failing that a locksmith. Press the “C” key. Enter user code (Factory Personal Code is: 1-2-3-4) (Factory Administrator Code is: 1-2-3-4-5-6) 3. Change the code on an AMSEC Electronic lock. as the safe is of our fore fathers i dont want to open it forcefully . After a few years so of use, the replacement ESL-5 started to have reliability issues… Basically the keypad would register the code maybe 1 out of 5 times it was entered. The AMSEC ESL5 and ESL10 locks -- troubleshooting questions answered. Press the “#” key. I went to open my safe but the combo was rejected. How long will the battery last in my safe? Posted on April 1, 2014 by Electrician. Star Round Door Combination Lock. 2. American Security ESL 10 Safe combination Lock Change. Be sure to know the proper steps to keep unwanted guests out of your belongings. Changing the Combination on an Electronic Safe Lock The process to change the combination on a digital/electronic safe lock is simple in comparison to a mechanical lock. i am ready to pay th… How can I crack or reset the code for an Amsec hotel safe model IRC916E? Press the # key. How do I turn on PIN Only or Key Only mode? Step 2. At this point the lock won’t open even with a fresh battery it beeps four times when I enter the correct code or the default code. The ESL5/ESL5LP uses a fixed length 6-digit combination. Toopenthelock,simplypressthe“C”keytoclearandwakeuptheelectronics.Nowpressthekeysof the combination one at a time and finish with the “#” key. The ESLXL SERIES offer an attractive metal die-cast keypad housing with an alpha-numeric slanted keypad. How to Open an AMSEC Combination Safe The method for opening an AMSEC combination safe is dependent on the type of. How do I turn the controller/keypad power OFF/ON to reboot? If the combination keyed is Operating Instructions for the ESL10 Electronic Safe Lock Your AMSEC ESL10 Electronic Safe Lock has a Factory Combination of C-1-2-3-4-5-6-# To open the lock, simply press the “C” key to clear and wake up the electronics. American Security Products Co. 11925 Pacific Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Main: 951.685.9680 | Fax: 951.685.9685 How do I change the time or date on my ESLAudit lock? i have a 'safe gaurd' companies safe i have forgotten the lock code to open it. Punch in a series of five numbers to set the new password. This safe is in good condition with some slight rust where the bolted screws portion of the safe use to be. Changing the Combination on an Electronic Safe Lock The process to change the combination on a digital/electronic safe lock is simple in comparison to a mechanical lock. Check online on how to change the pin to your own code. Whether you are protecting your items from theft or damage, a safe gets the job done. It has a 12 digit key pad (0-9 and A and B). User manuals, AMSEC Safes Operating guides and Service manuals. I 've used it pretty much without problems for 12 years. After a few years so of use, the replacement ESL-5 started to have reliability issues… Basically the keypad would register the code maybe 1 out of 5 times it was entered. It's important to reset your electronic digital safe combination on a regular basis to prevent people from cracking the code. So, after a few phone calls to AMSEC, I decided to replace the entire locking mechanism. Next press the existing six-digit combination, and then press the # key. 2. If you recently purchased an AMSEC gun safe with an ESL 10XL electronic lock you NEED to change the combination (code) before you stock the gun safe with your guns and valuables. This safe was taken to a locksmith to have the code reset. their is no alternative of key opening . American Security Products Co. 11925 Pacific Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Main: 951.685.9680 | Fax: 951.685.9685 It uses batteries inside the safe. To open the safe, you hit clear (C) and I have the existing combination as one, two. I missed the “Open Period” to access my SafeWizard or CashWizard-controlled safe. Don't worry I'm not a burglar, it's because for the life of me I can't remember the code I previously set a couple of months ago since I've always used a magnetic card to open it but I've lost the card. Your AMSEC ESL5/ESL5LP Electronic Safe Lock has a default factory combination of: 1-2-3-4-5-6. Press the “#” key. After several failed attempts I tried the default combo (1-2-3-4-5-6) and that worked. ): Operating Instructions for the ESL10 Electronic Safe Lock Your AMSEC ESL10 Electronic Safe Lock has a Factory Combination of C-1-2-3-4-5-6-# To open the lock, simply press the “C” key to clear and wake up the electronics. Lock the door while it's still in the open position. Your AMSEC ESL5/ESL5LP Electronic Safe Lock has a default factory combination of: 1-2-3-4-5-6. Punch in the current password and open the door. So, after a few phone calls to AMSEC, I decided to replace the entire locking mechanism. When I enter my combo, either nothing happens or I hear a faint click. How to Change Combination on American Security AmSec ESL 10 - 20 Safe Lock. It takes several attempts to open the lock when I dial the combo. The ESL5/ESL5LP uses a fixed length 6-digit combination. Next, turn the dial clockwise for three revolutions and stop at the second number in … How can I find an AMSEC registered locksmith or dealer in my area? I purchased a safe in April 2009 and had an American Security Products ESL-10 lock installed on it. Recently I punch in the combination and it would not open. Amsec safe reset code. If you recently purchased an AMSEC gun safe with an ESL 10XL electronic lock you NEED to change the combination (code) before you stock the gun safe with your guns and valuables. Where can I find my safe’s serial number? Key in the factory preset combination. 1. I have recently put brand new Akaline batteries and the new code is 0000. i have a 'safe gaurd' companies safe i have forgotten the lock code to open it. - # - (Old User Code) - # - (New User Code) - # - (New User Code) - # 4.3 In the event Function 60 is Disabled (F60=0) or you are adding a new User, then the combo American Security Products Co. 11925 Pacific Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 Main: 951.685.9680 | Fax: 951.685.9685 Press the # key. The ESLXL SERIES locks offer unrivaled value in electronic safe access. Operating Instructions for the ESL20 Electronic Safe Lock Your AMSEC ESL20 Electronic Safe Lock has a Master Combination of C-1-2-3-4-5-6-# To open the lock, simply press the “C” key to clear and wake up the electronics. It's called the ESL10, and it's a very good lock, it's a high-secur I have an amsec esl5 electronic lock on a tactical gun safe that drains a 9V battery in 3 days. Step 3. Amsec DL5000 Electronic Lock Opening Instructions (Models EST914, EST1814) STEP 1 – OPENING THE SAFE. i am ready to pay th… If the combination keyed is correct, the lock will cycle open for three (3) seconds. Opening Your ESL5/ESL5LP Lock for the First Time 1. To unlock the ESL10 lock, first press 'C' to start the electronics. C-1-2-3-4-5-6-#. AMSEC has been a pioneer in the electronic lock market. The ESL10XL and ESL20XL locks have the best blend of features and function in Electronic Safe Locks. The door on my safe makes a squeaking sound when I open or close the door. There is a lot of information here, such as: unresponsive keypads, dead or weak batteries, changing the batteries, which batteries to use, how to change the combination, what to do when you make a mistake, penalty mode, and much more.Links to AMSEC USA are as follows:Home page: www.amsecusa.comMain resource page: Instructions for all AMSEC locks: home page:!------- Featured in the video (affiliate links help sponsor the channel! 3. How do I change the batteries on my ESLAudit? Now press the keys of the combination one at a time and finish with the “#” key. can somebody suggest how to open it. If you have purchased a safe from Liberty Safe equipped with a SecuRam electronic lock, you have likely gone through the code changing procedure when your safe first arrived.
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